Sev is on Ancient Aliens, premiering Sept 6 on History Channel.

The episode is called The Chosen:
From biblical patriarchs to modern day alien abductees, throughout history, there have been people who claimed to have contact with other worldly beings. And often bearing important messages for humanity. Could it be that they have been chosen to help carry out an extraterrestrial agenda?

New! watch on KGRA Network and on Alien Spirit with Sev YouTube

Alien Spirit is Sev’s new show aimed to ignite imaginations and broaden perspectives on the mysteries of life while helping answer the questions Who are we and Why are we here?

Sev interviews celebrities, researchers, UFOlogists, scientists, Experiencers, artists and more about cosmic consciousness, ETs & UFOs, sacred geometry, ancient civilizations, spiritual connection, the supernatural, and our quantum universe.

watch here


Sev talks about her ET Contact and how it lead to an Existential Crisis on ABC News Nightline’s new streaming show Impact X. Also featured is Dr. Avi Loeb, Dr. Neil DeGrasse Tyson, Ex-Director Kirkpatrick of AARO and more.
Streaming on Hulu Aliens: Are We Alone?

Guest on Gaia TV’s Beyond Belief with George Noory.
watch here

Guest Speaker at the one-of-a-kind McMenamins UFO Fest in Portland, Oregon.

Canadian TV. Sev is featured in an 8-part docuseries. T&E’s Encounter: UFO -Physical Contact. watch here

Watch Sev’s interviews from around the world with leading UFO/ET researchers
and celebrities


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For 15 years, Sev has conducted thousands of Soul Purpose Sessions with clients around the world. Since childhood, she has aligned with her inter-dimensional abilities to gain knowledge regarding our quantum reality, energetic quantum field, life purpose, and how to access innate power to create a fulfilling and authentic life.


Sev is a life-long Experiencer helping Experiencers around the world, as an Experiencer Advocate.

Recently “coming out” about her ET Contact in Roswell NM, Baltimore MD, Capitol Hill Wash DC, and North Carolina has activated her life purpose.

She has conscious memories with a variety of ET types sharing knowledge about DNA activation, hybridization programs, spiritual growth/personal empowerment, how to strengthen psychic abilities, scientific innovation, the potential future of Humankind and our role in the Galactic Universe.


Contact Sev
For Speaking, TV, Event

In September 2017, I came face to face with a Grey extraterrestrial who burned
two red Xs on my back. I have conscious memories of a Grey alien standing behind me as I lie paralyzed on a hospital-type bed. We looked into each other’s eyes
and its gaze changed me forever.


“Sev Tok’s beautifully detailed journey to understanding a most difficult intrusion of non-human entities into her life is poignant. Her book is both brilliant and accurate – a genuine page turner!”
Kathleen Marden

Kathleen Marden, is an internationally-recognized UFO/ET Researcher, Speaker,
Author, Director of Experiencer Research at MUFON. and the niece of Betty & Barney Hill, the most famous Alien Encounter case.

Sev’s “coming out” book
You Have The Right To Talk To Aliens is available on Amazon.


Encounters is a free forum for Experiencers helping them process, understand, and empower themselves through their ET Experiences.


Read ET Contact stories with drawings and pictures in True ET Stories.


A planet and star system in the Star Wars Galactic System is named after Sev!