“Maynard Gull, you have the freedom to be yourself, your true self,
here and now, and nothing can stand in your way.
“It is the Law of the Great Gull, the Law that Is.”
“Are you saying I can fly?”
“I say you are free.”
Jonathan Livingston Seagull
There is the you before a Soul Session and the you after.
What happens in a Soul Session changes you forever. Why? Because you are made fully aware of your inter-dimensional abilities and how to use them to your advantage. You are made fully aware of the innate power you have and how to use it to manifest your reality. You are reminded how important, valuable, and needed you are. You understand how free you are to design your life.
A Soul Session is empowering and energizing. You are given very direct methods to transform your reality to your standards. Your perspective about your role on Earth is broadened and validated. You cannot “unknow” what you learn in a Soul Session. You cannot go back to being the previous version of yourself because you experience a paradigm shift. Even if you do not carry out a single suggestion given to you, you still undergo a transformation. You won’t view yourself or the world around you in the same way as before. You undergo not only a mental shift, but an energetic one, too. You learn how to transform into the more powerful, peaceful, and abundant version of yourself.

The information presented in a Soul Session helps free yourself from repeating the same mistakes over and over. Current situations regarding family, friends, career, and romantic love are given clarity. You learn why you experience your circumstances at this time. You gain the knowledge to change these circumstances, if you wish to. You are given guidance and methods to break through fears and mental hang-ups to experience more ease and control in your life.
The Soul Sessions are very positive, uplifting, and life-changing. You are presented with a spiritual road map for your life. You are free to follow the spiritual suggestions or not. Nothing is demanded of you. Your free will and free choice are always in play.
I “hear, feel, and see” information from your guides, my guides, multi-dimensional beings, from your quantum energy field, and from the matrix of energy floating around us.
We can all “hear, feel, and see” inter-dimensional information. We all have access to this valuable information.
Soul Purpose Session
60 min $210
You have an individual purpose for this lifetime along with a general purpose we all share. Collectively, we share the purpose of loving. We are here to love each other and to love ourselves – the latter is where most of us get stuck.
Individually, you have a purpose which can be manifested in a variety of ways. In the process of actualizing your purpose, you develop the skills and knowledge to gain control of your life. This means you become an active participant in creating your life to your standards. It is through the actualization of your Soul Purpose that you discover fulfillment, abundance, and peace.
A Soul Purpose Session divulges information about your Soul Purpose and how to activate it, Best Career Paths and how to manifest them, a Past Life providing answers for your current life, and the illumination of Mental Blocks (we all have them) keeping you from progress and success. You learn about the quality of your personal frequency, or bio-matrix, and how to re-design your energetic field/aura, to maximize your desired potentials and manifestation abilities.
Soul Support Session
Pre-requisite: Soul Purpose Session.
60 min $145
Soul Support Sessions aid in manifestation and personal transformation to fulfill your purpose, unleash your potential, and gain fulfillment in your life. After a Soul Purpose Session, you may need some help maintaining your new perspective, or guidance in your personal transformation as described in your Soul Purpose Session. These Sessions are to bolster, support, and keep you on track. You can have as many Soul Support Sessions as you wish.
In each session, you delve deeper into a particular topic of your choosing. You may need clarity on a relationship, want to change careers, start a new business, strengthen your psychic abilities, or want to eliminate negative beliefs. The topics are unlimited. This session is your opportunity to discuss and receive cosmic guidance on areas of your life you wish to transform.
Soul Development Series
3 Soul Support Sessions, 15% discount
$123 per session reduced from $145
The Soul Development Series consists of 3 Sessions scheduled 2 weeks apart. These Sessions are designed to focus on an area you wish to see transformation, clarity, and progress. Homework is given to raise your personal frequency as you learn how to construct your energetic bio-field to manifest, strengthen your psychic abilities, and enter a state of living aligned to your purpose.
Do you want to change careers? Or start a new business? Maybe you want to change your relationship status. Do you want to hone your psychic abilities? These sessions focus on releasing negative mind patterns, raising your frequency, and creating energetic momentum to make desired lifestyle changes. No more keeping small. You are ready to experience life as the authentic version of yourself creating your best life. The Soul Development Series is designed to provide interdimensional guidance as you manifest your life’s purpose.
You can have as many Sessions as you want, not limited to 3.
Please contact Sev to schedule your Session via Zoom, Skype, or Facetime. Since the sessions are conducted remotely, they can be done from anywhere in the world. Sev is in the Eastern US time zone, North Carolina.