
New Show! Premiering August 5, 2024 on KGRA Digital Broadcasting and on Sev’s youtube channel Alien Spirit with Sev

Premier episode of Alien Spirit with Sev featuring Jason Padgett.

Is God a math formula?! 

What does E=MC² look like?!

My first guest is Jason Padgett whom I have been talking about for 15 years in my lectures, workshops, and videos while sharing his remarkable drawings of the beautiful geometry of our world.

Jason’s book, Struck By Genius: How a Brain Injury Made Me A Mathematical Marvel, is being made into a movie.

We talk about:the brutal attack changing his vision first time he saw the energy of everything  Jason’s Quantum Information Holography theoryBlack HolesTime Travelwatch my surprise to find out what E=MC² looks like!what his math professors told him about his abilitywhich actor may play Jason in the movieand more

I saw Jason speak in 2015 at the American Visionary Museum in Baltimore. He took questions at the end but we couldn’t get my question in. I have been waiting 9 years to ask my question. Find out what it is!

Plus: Watch our Backstage Talk on my new mini show on KGRA exclusive to KGRA members only. These shows are about 15 minutes, 4 times a month. Watch a personal conversation between me and Jason about:MultiversesAliens Holographic Universe Artificial PhotosynthesisLife After Death30% Off KGRA subscription if you use code “aliensev”

Jason D. Padgett is an acquired savant celebrated for his extraordinary insights into mathematics and physics. His journey into the world of mathematics began unexpectedly after a traumatic brain injury transformed his perception, unlocking the ability to visualize complex mathematical patterns and equations. This unique experience led Jason to document his remarkable story in the acclaimed memoir “Struck by Genius,” which details his personal and intellectual evolution following the life-altering event.Beyond his literary accomplishments, Jason is the pioneering founder of Quantum Information Holography (QIH), a groundbreaking theoretical framework that challenges conventional views on fundamental physics. QIH proposes that the universe operates as a holographic projection of information encoded at the Planck scale, offering a new paradigm for understanding the fabric of reality.Jason’s contributions extend to the realm of art, where he channels his mathematical insights into intricate drawings and paintings that explore the interplay of geometry and nature. His artwork, reflecting a deep understanding of mathematical beauty, is available for exploration and acquisition on Fineartamerica at  Jason Padgett – Art for Sale

Stay connected with Jason as he continues to delve into the frontiers of mathematics, physics, and art by following him on at Jason Padgett and Instagram  His ongoing discoveries and insights into Quantum Information Holography promise to reshape our understanding of the universe’s underlying principles.